In Other Birds


Kate StoneIt’s the “In Other Birds” Edition. Amy Cilimburg of Montana Audubon takes us on a bird tour of western Montana, talking to ornithologists, bird aficionados, and amateur birders to learn what’s happening with our feathered friends in fall in Montana. What are the stories behind the birds we observe this time of year, who are the patient birders who find them, and what can you do? From the Bitterroot Valley north to the Mission Valley and back with Kate Stone, Jill Alban, Chris Filardi, Janene Licktenberg and Kate Davis- and, of course, the birds.

Find out more about Montana Audubon and our Chapters, Raptors of the Rockies, Raptor View Research, and Jill’s poetry.


Kate with Sibley

Amykate_swift watching

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